Hi there, welkom on my CaptureGamePage *LOL*.
I got captured so many times,
i needed a special page for it.

Oh no ! I'm captured in my own game .. i knew i should never had businessdeals with the Whomping part of the family.. you can't trust 'm.. and see.. now i'm in the Whomping Willow.. ME !! FAIRY of the WILLOWS.. can you imagine??

Ofcourse.. it COULD be my Bogart.. so.. let's think how funny i can make this black sheep.. that's it.. i'll imagine the Whomping Willow as a black sheep.. haha.. can you see it? All black wool on it's branches and bleating 'behh behh' LOL..
And now the magic word.. waving my wand..

Awwwww... Boat.. you beat me to it :-) Thank You, thank you !!

'Zo daar! Vaar in een bootKat.' Huh?????

Oh my Goodness.. this is sooooo much fun.. Lady Jewell and i made our OWN capturegame and it's a HIT !!!

I got to ride Buckbeak twice, thank you Lady Jewell:
Because she is such a magical person, I think a little magical ride on BuckBeak would be the perfect thing for her!

and Nancy:
It's a gift, and she made this game!

click to ride Buckbeak yourself

Fairy Saesare didn't know the right word.. but at least she shouted :-)

thank you, fairy Saesara

Greetings, Fairy of the Willows!
Are you enjoying your little ride on my Carousel? Hm?
You don't know what I'm talking about? Well, in case you've forgotten...
Just a little while ago, you tried to toss someone over the gate in front of DJesters' Carousel in DJesters' Circus Land.
But you can't fool this gate keeper, and I caught you in the act.
I'll give you two weeks to escape from the Carousel.
Oh, and you can have this little trinket thing too,
but I'm sure you're gonna get so dizzy that you won't need a graphic to remind you of your little ride.

Released By: D'Blooish Faerie
Reason: Oh no! Poor willow, I know she's getting very dizzy!
She doesn't deserve to be stuck on the carousel for eternity,
not after being so brave as to rescue ME!!

A friend of yers, FairyFlyer Minis, thought ye might look good as a part o' the fairies rainbow. Ye ha' been enchanted into the red arc.

Please.. anybody.. free me, cause the month is almost over and then i'll be in the rainbow forever.. HELP !!!

Ooooohhhh...nooooo... it's too late..
now i'll be in this sevencolored prison forever..

There be cause ta celebrate here in DRealm o' the Fairies taday!
An' why, ye ask? Why, it be ye the fairies and pixies be celebratin'!
Ye ha' been enchanted inta the rainbow over a month
an' now the fairies rainbow will be that much brighter from now on!
Ye will be a permanent resident o' the rainbow, forever gracin' the skies
o'er DRealm and bringin' color ta the site fights.

O My.. i've been bubbled..

thank you, Fairy Moonrose, for rescueing me from the bubble :-) you understood i have to send spirit to those in need.

.. not all fairies are as nice as i am.. *LOL*
i have played too close to the circle of mushrooms
and now i have been captured in the Fairy Ring ..
can somebody please please come and rescue me??

Fairy MoonRose (again !!) rescued me from the FairyRing with this wonderful and hilarious *LOL* poem:

Even though
Our Fairy of the Willows
Is fluttering below
Clouds that look like pillows

She is lost
And alone
Needing rescue at all cost
Before this ice cream cone

Melts into a sticky pool
While we are in need
Of her cheer, our greatest tool
So look for each seed

Growing into trees
Beautiful and tall
And pull out your keys
Giving her back to us all

Person sent to detention:
Fairy of the Willows

Sent by: Lady Fairy Honey Dew
Date: 9/9/2003

She has been working too hard.

Rescued by: Heather
Excuse: hmmmmmmmm cause her vaction is long over, she needs to get back to work!? Well it sounds good *S*

Thanks Heather !

I know.. it's not a capturegame.. but it's FUN !!!! :-)

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