Hi there, welkom on my Fairy Spiritpage.
I'm glad you dropped in.
This is me:

. .

I prefer the right fairy, cause i'm no longer a skinny teenager.. and happy with that :-)

September 6th, 2004

'It gives me the greatest pleasure to present to you; on behalf of DRealm of DSpirit;
the Fairy of the Week award for showing such tremendous Spirit!
Your Spirit shines so brightly for all to see.
~~Spirited Huggs~~ **D'Rabbitha**'

'She has shown such wonderful Spirit each and every day!!!
She goes out of her way to show the true meaning of dedication and Spirit.
Her constant attention to detail and endless devotion to her team and Lady is a true asset.
It's Spirit like Fairy of the Willow's that keeps DRealm alive..
we're lucky to have a Fairy like you to call a friend..
((Hugs)) and *~*~*sprinkles*~*~*~ DFairy Archer'

'Dear Fairy of the Willows is such a handful of dust here in Noah's Ark!
She's always showing great Spirit and willing to lend us a wing!
Knowing that I can rely on her and her Spirit is such a wonderful thing!
I'm proud to have her flying with me here at Noah's Ark *S*
Lady Ayame'

'You definitely deserve the honor!! huggles n' luvs, Fairy HeartTugs'

Oh Boy..Is this all about me??? *Blush*

June 15, 2004, brought me this email:

*changes wings, grabs DSpeedster things*
Oh dearest Willow....... After viewing some of your pages.......
You my dear one DO have the spirit!!!
As a veteran of the US Air Force, your support of our troops
and pride in our country made old Speedy smile!
Attached is something I want you to have!!
I salute you, may your Faith always shine as brightly as your spirit does!
Hugs, DSpeedster

I celebrated my 45th birthday in May 2004:
Lily of the Valley Fairy
A Flower Fairy of the woodlands brings happiness and the joy of living.

Do you like my backgroundset? I made it myself :-)

'Only a fool would fail
To praise God in his might
When the tiny, mindless birds
Praise him in their flight.'

Thanks, GranGran

Here's from my best friend in D'Realm, ButterflyFairy:

Go see my FairyGifts
and my fairy- and the teamAwards
and my CaptureGamePage *LOL*

Thank You to all of you who Shouted for my Ransom
and succeeded in getting me released from the captivity of that evil Troll King!
D'Fairy Archer

Thank you very much, Lady Jewell, . . . . . . . . .
this gifty means a lot to me ! :-)

Wanna meet the person behind Fairy of the Willows?
please visit my homepage:

index of my TSF pages.